The personal side of Randy:
- Father of 3 married children
- Grandfather
to 2
- Reader
- Listening to Rain
- My Love Language - Words and
Gift Giving
- Animal Lover
- Sincere
- Foodie
- Enjoy the
company of others
- Friend to many
- Fun loving
- Love
- Life
Long Learner
- Excited to see people succeed in life
The professional side of Randy:
- 28 years conducting wedding ceremonies
- Inspirational Communicator
- Detail Oriented
- Organized
- Motivated
- Listener
- Dependable
- Team Leader
- Visionary
- Coach
The passionate side of Randy:
- Education
- Personal Growth
- Seeing
people succeed
- Advocate for the voiceless
- Caring for the
- Cheerleader of others